...there's a catch, read on...
Having friends and family in England, I hear lots about what gluten-free goodies they get to indulge in, and it can sometimes make me extremely envious (mince pies, people!!). I kept hearing about this gluten-free Genius bread, and how delicious it was, and how even the Starbucks across the pond was providing gluten-free sandwiches with it in their shops. Why doesn't our Starbucks carry gluten-free sandwiches????? (ok, that is a whole other topic which I won't get started on right now.)
When my mother-in-law came to visit in May, I begged her to bring me a loaf of this hyped-up bread, and it definitely lived up to its name. Before my mother-in-law had her bags unpacked, I was scarfing down a slice..and another, and....
So, when I found out shortly after that, Genius was coming to grace us yankees with their fabulousness, I was ecstatic!
The Genius people over here were nice enough to send me a loaf to try out, and as soon as that sucker arrived on my door-step, I was knocking out sandwiches for a pool picnic that afternoon.
I happened to also have a loaf of Udi's on hand, so let's compare....
I loved how Genius was bigger, and fluffier, and there was more bread per loaf than my current love, Udi's. I hate to admit, but Udi's had been disappointing me lately with bread that just seems dry. I still buy it, but I have felt the need to try other breads for the past few months. Though, I am still a very loyal fan of their bagels and pizza crusts!
I loved that with Genius, I could have a normal size sandwich! Making sandwiches with Udi's sometimes feels like I am eating a mini sandwich...and if you cut the crusts off for a little one...well, then they are really mini.
But....look what happens when I spread the Nutella on my bread (see below)....the bread came off with the Nutella! Total disappointment. The bread would not stay together. It was light and fluffy, but I think it was actually too light and fluffy. It is as if it was too airy. I guess too much of a good thing, can be a not so good thing. M and I also tried to make grilled cheese and egg sandwiches with it, thinking maybe if it is toasted it will work better. Well, that didn't really help either. It still fell apart when we tried to flip it.
My excitement over the US launch of Genius bread has been brought down a bit. I have contacted their people and will let you know when their people get back to me. Let's hope it is just a glitch in the system that needs to be worked out. The US Genius is being made, and distributed, on this side of the pond by Glutino.
I really wished it was the same as the UK version. That one did not fall apart, and made perfect grilled cheese sandwiches.

Genius bread will be available nationwide in the freezer section in August. For a more complete breakdown of the new US Genius bread, and how it compares to Udi's, see my review here.
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